Where is the lodge located?
Broad Shad Cay lodge is located on Andros Island, Bahamas approximately 190 miles south east of Fort Lauderdale.
When is the best time to visit?
The Lodge season begin first week in October the second week in June.
How long a trip should I plan?
Three days on the flats is heaven; after that it only gets better.
What will we fish for?
Broad Shad Cay Lodge is surrounded by world-class bonefishing flats, and the experienced fisherman out to bag a double-digit bone couldn’t do better. That said, BSCL guides are on intimate terms with the favorite feeding creeks of big tarpon, and the lodge is a short run from the island’s eastern coastal shelf, where breathtaking permit come up from the ocean depths to feed on the ocean flats. Many fishermen also bring a heavier rod with a steel leader and a barracuda fly. There also
Do I have to be an expert to fish at BSCL?
No. The lodge was designed to offer unprecedented thrills to practiced saltwater flyfishermen, but intermediate and beginner anglers will be equally at home. BSCL mprove casting technique and flats awareness in a pristine Caribbean setting.
What should I bring?
Guests should bring all their own fishing gear and clothing; BSCL highly recommend using large arbor reel for retrieving line faster.
Information on fly patterns, rod size, line weight/leader recommendations:
Bone fish 8 or 9 weight fly rod
Weight forward floating line
Reel: Minimum 150 yard backing
Flies: Crazy Charlie #2 and 4 with bead chain eyes,
Gotcha Colures # 2 and 4 lead eyes
Leader: 12 to 15 pounds tippets
Permit fishing 9 to 10 weight rod
Weight forward floating line
Reel: Large arbor with min 150 yards backing
Fly: Crab patterns
Tarpon fishing 10 to 11 weight rod
Weight forward floating line
Reel: Large arbor with min 200yard backing
Leader: Class tippet 16 -20
Shock tippet 60 -80
Fly: Todd, boney and cockroach - size 1/0, 2/0, 3/0
Will there be wind? Bugs?
Andros has a little of both. The beginner caster is likely to get plenty of shots at good fish without wind interference, but a good double-haul can likewise come in handy. Guides know where to go to give anglers the best shots at fish. You can bring insect repellent for the ankles and wrists and/or a scarf is recommended.
Should I bring my nonfishing spouse/significant other?
Broad Shad Cay Lodge is located in a remote section of Andros Island, which itself is largely undeveloped. There’s not much to do here but fish and sit around reading.